So here it goes...
'Th1rteen R3asons Why' by Jay Asher, this book is one of those books you suggest to people when they ask you 'Do you know of any good books' or 'Can you recommend a book' and then you get really excited because you CAN recommend a good book! Or maybe that's just me; who knows. So I'm not going to sit and explain what this book is about but I will provide a link of the synopsis so you're not completely lost. Also, I don't know if any of this will spoil the book I doubt it I mean we know she's dead... The book just fills us in why. Anyway, this book made me feel a fury of emotions. The whole time I was just hoping she was still alive, which really is a completely ridiculous thought, but I wanted her to be alive for Clay. I wanted him to have a happy ending, but the book is about a girls suicide and lets be real, there's no happy ending there.
The book makes me wonder how I've effected people unintentionally. Although I think in the book most of the people on Hannah's list intentionally hurt her. Or they at least did things that they didn't realize would be as harmful as they were. I think we all do that. Say things do things that we don't think should be a big deal. Then we think people who do get hurt or offended over it, are just being too sensitive and need to just 'get over it' and stop taking things so seriously, but now I'm thinking about it and it's like who the hell am I to tell anyone how they should be. I'm the last person to judge anyones thoughts or feelings. Damn. So much easier said than done you know? That's the trouble with books like these they make you want to strive to be a better person to look at things from other peoples perspectives, but really how long will that buzz last? Not long, but I suppose that's the whole point of this blog to remember the feeling the book gave me when I did read it.
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